Trademark registration refers to the legal fact that a trademark user submits a registration application for the trademark he or she uses to the National Trademark Office, the national trademark authority, in accordance with legal provisions, and the national trademark authority reviews and approves the registration in accordance with the law. In our country, trademark registration is the prerequisite for trademarks to be legally protected and the legal basis for determining the exclusive right to use trademarks. Once a trademark user is approved for trademark registration, it means that it has obtained the exclusive right to the trademark and is protected by law. Benefits of trademark registration
It has the function of distinguishing the source of goods or services, guiding consumers to shop or consume
Promoting producers or operators to continuously improve or stabilize the quality of products or services
It is conducive to market competition and Advertising is a symbol of corporate credibility and quality
Trademarks are the intangible property of a company and the carrier of credibility, which can bring considerable economic benefits to the company
Registered trademarks are protected by law and enjoy exclusive rights for everyone else. Cannot be used on identical or similar goods or services
A registered trademark is an important intangible asset that can be transferred, inherited and extended
Avoid using your own trademark to be pre-registered by others and making it a wedding dress for others. No infringement was intended, but huge compensation was paid to lay the foundation for sustainable development of the company and the creation of a strong brand. Unregistered trademarks have the following weaknesses
The dangers of not registering a trademark
The user of the trademark does not have exclusive rights to the trademark
Once someone else registers the trademark first, the first user of the trademark will The trademark can no longer be used
An unregistered trademark may be identical or similar to a registered trademark used on the same or similar goods, resulting in infringement
An unregistered trademark cannot form industrial property rights, and therefore cannot be used as a trademark. Human intangible assets.
Therefore, registered trademarks are very important. I would like to remind everyone that when looking for a trademark registration agent, you must find a formal and powerful trademark registration agency.
We, Shenzhen Lihebito Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd., are a strong company. The high-coverage and efficient services of Shenzhen Lihebito Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. have been recognized by many companies and institutions. It is authoritatively certified by the National Trademark Office and is trustworthy. Shenzhen Lihebito Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. is a registration agency of the National Trademark Office. Please log in to the National Trademark Office website, click Trademark Agency on the homepage, and then enter Shenzhen in the agency name. City Lihe Billiton Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. can check our agency qualifications.
Benefits of trademark registration, Shenzhen Lihebito Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.