Why entrust a trademark agency organization to apply for a trademark? The benefit of using a trademark agency organization to register a trademark is that trademark agency organizations and trademark agents are trademark legal service agencies and professionals who specialize in trademark agency. Just like other legal service organizations, they can provide clients with timely and comprehensive legal services. Trademark agency organizations can provide services such as trademark consultation, trademark design, trademark agency, trademark legal advisor, and trademark infringement case agency. Applicants for trademark registration apply directly to the Trademark Office for trademark registration and other trademark affairs. They need to bring many procedures such as official seal, letter of introduction, ID card, copy of business license, etc. They also need to fill in the application form, type it, pay fees, etc. In addition to paying the inquiry fee, In addition to application fees and other fees, you also have to pay a lot of expenses such as transportation, accommodation, and travel subsidies, which is troublesome and expensive. More importantly, due to lack of professional trademark knowledge, completed applications are often returned or not accepted, thus delaying time. If you entrust a trademark agency to organize an agency, you can get patient and meticulous consulting services. You only need to pay the agency fee, inquiry fee, etc., which saves time and effort.
The rapid development and service quality of Shenzhen Lihebito Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. stem from the gathering of a group of professionals who are familiar with domestic and foreign intellectual property regulations and have rich intellectual property theory and practical experience. Since its establishment, Shenzhen Lihebito Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd. has accumulated rich practical experience in domestic and international trademarks, patents, copyrights, etc., and has been committed to interpreting the most professional and efficient intellectual property solutions for domestic and foreign customers. Directional services.
Why entrust a trademark agency to apply for a trademark?